Radeka Photography


Road, Autumn, 1999. East Orange, Vermont. Color Photograph

Road, Autumn, 1999. East Orange, Vermont


During my 1999 cross-country drive, East Orange, Vermont was one of the few places where the fall colors were at their glorious best. Over all, it was not a good year for brilliant autumn colors, but the few good vibrant images I made were well worth the effort. This scene was just outside the town of East Orange. I used a 4x5 view camera and a Schneider 121mm Super Angulon lens to expose this image on 4x5 Kodak Ektachrome film. The exposure was ideal and the transparency is finely detailed, sharp and full of vibrant color. I obtained a high resolution scan of the transparency and optimized the image in Photoshop to preserve the sharpness and brilliant colors. This is an excellent image to show the excellent quality of modern inkjet printing techniques when following careful, meticulous optimization and printing procedures. Another vibrant color image I obtained on this same trip is Autumn Trees and Lake, Connecticut.

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